03 Jun 2007 5:48 PM Edit Quote Reply Alert
On Sunday the day before Memorial day I was once again heading out from home on my weekly run to NYC. I usually stop at the Walmart in Marshfield, Mo. but missed the exit completely as I was thinking about something or the other (and I'm a trucker!) so I decided to stop at the store at St. Robert close to Ft Lenard Wood.
I had ridden my scooter to work as I do every weekend and I was still wearing my leather vest with my PGR, MIA, US Army, and Fallen Heros patches.
Of course being in the over 50 group and having beaten my self up over the years and actually getting an extra day at home to do some of those "honey do list thingies" I had pulled my knee again (allergy to work maybe??) and was using my trusty cane (laugh and I'll beat you with it!) to get around!
I hobbled on down to the store to get a few supplies for the truck and while I was going down an isle I came apon another "older" vet with his Viet Nam ribbon on his cap. I stopped and put my hand out to shake his and welcomed him home as I do with every Viet Nam vet and talked to him for a few minutes and we went on our merry ways.
I turned the corner at the end of the isle and started up the next when I heard a voice from the isle I had just vacated say "Man did you see that? The way that one vet welcomed the other vet home" and the reply he got " Yeah, dude it was so freakin cool"
Then, as I was in the check out line several young troops came up to me and shook my hand wishing me a good Memorial Day. I told them I actually never have a "good" Memorial Day as I think of the reason we do have this day and that I prayed that if they do get called up and go "down range" that they come home so that we NEVER have to "remember" them on Memorial Day. I did wish them all good luck and keep your head down as that's the only thing I can think of to say to any young person going into harms way.
I got to thinking as I was back in the truck heading down the road looking thru the windshield how when we went to Vietnam those so many long years ago how the people of America were starting to get tired of warfare after having just come out of Korea it seemed like. We didn't welcome those we drafted or the ones who volunteered home from that "police action" and actually didn't until after September 11th when the horror we saw on television slapped us in the face and we were back at war!
We now clap and cheer when our boys and girls, yes, to those of us from an earlier era, we see our selves, young, not ready for the things we do in war but still young boys and girls coming home from the sand box, the look in the eyes that only those who have seen battle have, walking down the isle in the airports and we clap and cheer, not as conquering heros, but as our children and our futures coming home.
I just pray that as we try to bring something to a people who have never known true freedom we don't travel back to the years my youth saw and we stop cheering as our military come home. They didn't start the war, but they hear the calling we have all heard at one time or another and answered that call not as boys and girls but as the warriors they will become!
Welcome Home............because I will always remember you
Sunday, May 29, 2011
1st Responders worldwide... please respond. Pass this around..Repost!
This is a question for 1st responders who have worked in SAR after tornadoes, hurricanes and if any from Japan or Indonesia after an earthquake and mainly a tsunami.
When you have found bodies can you tell me in a few words what pieces of clothing or maybe jewelry is still on them? Which piece is the one mostly missing or still on or the average as YOU see it.
My dad made it a point that as a boy growing up that I always have my wallet on me in case I needed to prove I was who I was or to tell someone who I was if not able to.
I also made it a habit when I flew to write my social security number on my chest in ink in case my wallet got lost in case of that accident. My wedding ring has my last name inscribed in it as does my dentures.
Being identified after an earth shattering event should be important to us all and being close to Joplin, Mo. I've heard the stories of the problem of identifying family members and friends.
It's gotten to where our children think that a stupid cell phone is all they need in case of an emergency and they are about as wrong as they can be! Cell phones rely on electricity to function. After an event like Japan, Joplin, Katrina and so on where is the electricity at that those toys need to operate? Not in the power grid that's laying on the ground!
Yes, the new style of clothing of gym shorts and sports clothing is just fine but these people calling themselves fashion designers forget that pockets are needed to carry that cell or wallet in! Listen up! A pocket hidden on the inside will work! make it so! Save a life or keep a mother from grief as she looks for her child!
Please feed my curiosity as this problem in Joplin of not being able to identify people is bothering me needlessly as waiting for a DNA test can drive a grieving mother or father or children crazy waiting on answers!
When you have found bodies can you tell me in a few words what pieces of clothing or maybe jewelry is still on them? Which piece is the one mostly missing or still on or the average as YOU see it.
My dad made it a point that as a boy growing up that I always have my wallet on me in case I needed to prove I was who I was or to tell someone who I was if not able to.
I also made it a habit when I flew to write my social security number on my chest in ink in case my wallet got lost in case of that accident. My wedding ring has my last name inscribed in it as does my dentures.
Being identified after an earth shattering event should be important to us all and being close to Joplin, Mo. I've heard the stories of the problem of identifying family members and friends.
It's gotten to where our children think that a stupid cell phone is all they need in case of an emergency and they are about as wrong as they can be! Cell phones rely on electricity to function. After an event like Japan, Joplin, Katrina and so on where is the electricity at that those toys need to operate? Not in the power grid that's laying on the ground!
Yes, the new style of clothing of gym shorts and sports clothing is just fine but these people calling themselves fashion designers forget that pockets are needed to carry that cell or wallet in! Listen up! A pocket hidden on the inside will work! make it so! Save a life or keep a mother from grief as she looks for her child!
Please feed my curiosity as this problem in Joplin of not being able to identify people is bothering me needlessly as waiting for a DNA test can drive a grieving mother or father or children crazy waiting on answers!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The cost to protest in the USA!
OK the USA is going broke and yes the "Freedom of speech" is very important to us BUT it's getting to the point when morons protest at a funeral because they think their "message" is that important and for some reason like most over the top insane religious leaders who as a "head of a church" or preacher , inman or priest think it might not be what the deity above actually wants!
Anyway the USA being broke the way we are freedom of speech is great but nowhere in the constitution does it say it can't cost the speakers to have a protest as it costs to PROTECT those protesters!
Look at the middle east and a few funerals where a group from one faction of a religion of peace is burying a lost one and another faction of the same religion of peace storms the first group and there is mayhem and death and damages.
Well America is about to explode.
It's coming and it's going to be hard to stop.
People are being pushed due to unemployment and healthcare and recently natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding and well being at war again or actually on a continuous basics.
The following is a plan that protesters should have to go through. Ain't nothing free any more. Yes, the US Constitution states and gives us freedom of speech BUT who protects these people when they open their mouths insert foot or head up ass and offends others and the others decide to go stomp a mud hole in the protesters?
Who protects the municipality from some Bull crap law suit because they used their "right" to freely open their mouths and got stomped because they city didn't provide protection for them? Is this supposed to be free? Do they not get paid to protect?
And when these protesters come form outside of their "tax" zone and expect the police to provide protection for people who don't live there?
Besides, a show of hands of anyone who was so moved by a group of protesters that you joined their cause or even paid them any attention unless they were dressed like morons or held stupid signs or there were some hot bodies in there? No, not those of you who wanted to go stomp the holy crap out of them even if they so deserved to have it done and in my case go save a burning flag which I have to be held back, as, well it's their right to burn it but not mine to save it even if I throw $50US at them to pay for the flag as I run by!
OK here we go! MY plan to make Freedom of Speech affordable for all!
.............The Rollover Protester Bill...................
Here is MY way to make it hard for them to show up. Please cut and paste this AND even print it and go to your next city or county council meeting and bring it up and even put it on a ballot after the proper gathering of voters signatures.
They make their money through law suits. Yes they are REAL good in court as that’s the main source of income being a lawyer family.
In this day where the economy is very hard and money in the city and county coffers is getting very low it's time that ANY group wanting to stage a protest, they must pay a NONREFUNDABLE deposit! We do it for airline flights and for sporting events, apartment and home rentals and even for consumer goods so why do they not have to pay a non refundable refund for a protest?
The reason it is non refundable is it costs each little city or county MONEY for the tax paid worker to take the information type it in some manner on a typewriter or computer so there is equipment costs and then the paper it’s put on. Then they will have to file it so there is storage costs and then the postage to mail the permit to the group that files it.
Then there is the cost of police EMT and emergency crews that may have to be on standby due to the type of protest. Those who protest at a funeral could make the family upset and the family and friends could take their grief out on the ungrateful group who were thoughtless and thought that the family and friends actually wanted to hear their silly freedom of speech drivel or it might be a gay group protesting in a anti gay area and they might be attacked or a anti gay group in a gay area and so on so forth!
The police, EMTs, fire department and even the stand by ambulance all cost a lot of money and should be paid for. Why should any municipality have to foot the costs?
Yes it’s called “Freedom of Speech” but it doesn’t mean it has to be cost free! Nowhere did I see in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or any Amendment where it says they have to be heard OR that it comes free of charges.
If the group thinks and feels that their movement is worthy of being heard and it can cause violence on their group and members then they should pay for their protection. Movie stars and political types do so a protest group should also!
Case in point being a certain Church group from Topeka, Ks. has on their web site and can be seen on open forums on the internet an assault on them which was violent enough that they had to escape in their van and it was beaten on and windows were broken out.
As to them paying for their protection the police get paid by the hour or on a salary as do the fire department and the EMTs. Their uniforms cost money and if they are damaged in any confrontation who pays for them? The wearers, the city, county or the protesters? The same with their equipment. If damaged who has to foot the cost? How about injury to the protectors? Medical costs as we all know are going out the roof which brings up another problem.
Proof of insurance for all protesters! Proof of insurance must be shown for each member of the protest group. If the police protection can not stop a mass assault on said group and some are injured, who pays the medical bill because they thought their message was worthy of their freedom to speak?
This non refundable deposit should cover the costs on an hourly or ½ or ¼ hour schedule. If the group wants an hour then add the costs of say 5 officers, 1 ambulance and 1 rescue department and their equipment and if SWAT or any other specialty group is needed then throw that payment in also! In fact send them a list of items they MUST have or the minimum and then a list of extras that they can ask for like a menu at the restaurant! 5 officers at this cost but each added one is this and the cost of an ambulance which I KNOW is about $750 per ride as I’ve paid for 2 in two different locations in America and that was the cost for both! 1 was for 2 miles and the other for almost 15 both to a hospital! I can’t imagine how much a rescue unit or a swat team costs but hey it’s your message, pay to play!
I can hear certain lawyers in a certain group screaming now! BUT hey if your message is so important then foot the cost! It’s your message so put up or shut up!
The world is in a financial bind, especially America and it’s your right to protest but it ain’t free!
All cities and counties that have any military members in a war zone should have your lawyers look at this proposal and decide if it’s feasible. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets more than hurt as the attitude towards these types of groups is going to cost you more than the costs of protection. Look at the world in general and what’s been happening at some protests by counter protesters. Does your town have the man power to stop a large group? Unless you are a large city it’s doubtful you have the man power OR the training in protest control.
If any violent actions are taken against a group there will be a law suit! Then the costs of medical care to any of YOUR personnel and equipment. Not to mention a possible law suit from them.
If a group refuses to pay for the permit, then cover your self and have a waiver written and have it checked by a constitutional lawyer also! Make it air tight that any injuries to any members of a protest group will be their fault and you are not liable BUT even if they have paid to demonstrate and get injured you are covered as you did the best that you could in protecting them.
Now don’t make the costs to far out of range as it could bring some money into the coffers but make it a fair representation of what you feel their protection is worth!
This is just another idea I came up with sitting here looking at the world through my monitor!
George “Rollover” Purdy
Pass this around and if it happens call it the Rollover Protester Bill!
Anyway the USA being broke the way we are freedom of speech is great but nowhere in the constitution does it say it can't cost the speakers to have a protest as it costs to PROTECT those protesters!
Look at the middle east and a few funerals where a group from one faction of a religion of peace is burying a lost one and another faction of the same religion of peace storms the first group and there is mayhem and death and damages.
Well America is about to explode.
It's coming and it's going to be hard to stop.
People are being pushed due to unemployment and healthcare and recently natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding and well being at war again or actually on a continuous basics.
The following is a plan that protesters should have to go through. Ain't nothing free any more. Yes, the US Constitution states and gives us freedom of speech BUT who protects these people when they open their mouths insert foot or head up ass and offends others and the others decide to go stomp a mud hole in the protesters?
Who protects the municipality from some Bull crap law suit because they used their "right" to freely open their mouths and got stomped because they city didn't provide protection for them? Is this supposed to be free? Do they not get paid to protect?
And when these protesters come form outside of their "tax" zone and expect the police to provide protection for people who don't live there?
Besides, a show of hands of anyone who was so moved by a group of protesters that you joined their cause or even paid them any attention unless they were dressed like morons or held stupid signs or there were some hot bodies in there? No, not those of you who wanted to go stomp the holy crap out of them even if they so deserved to have it done and in my case go save a burning flag which I have to be held back, as, well it's their right to burn it but not mine to save it even if I throw $50US at them to pay for the flag as I run by!
OK here we go! MY plan to make Freedom of Speech affordable for all!
.............The Rollover Protester Bill...................
Here is MY way to make it hard for them to show up. Please cut and paste this AND even print it and go to your next city or county council meeting and bring it up and even put it on a ballot after the proper gathering of voters signatures.
They make their money through law suits. Yes they are REAL good in court as that’s the main source of income being a lawyer family.
In this day where the economy is very hard and money in the city and county coffers is getting very low it's time that ANY group wanting to stage a protest, they must pay a NONREFUNDABLE deposit! We do it for airline flights and for sporting events, apartment and home rentals and even for consumer goods so why do they not have to pay a non refundable refund for a protest?
The reason it is non refundable is it costs each little city or county MONEY for the tax paid worker to take the information type it in some manner on a typewriter or computer so there is equipment costs and then the paper it’s put on. Then they will have to file it so there is storage costs and then the postage to mail the permit to the group that files it.
Then there is the cost of police EMT and emergency crews that may have to be on standby due to the type of protest. Those who protest at a funeral could make the family upset and the family and friends could take their grief out on the ungrateful group who were thoughtless and thought that the family and friends actually wanted to hear their silly freedom of speech drivel or it might be a gay group protesting in a anti gay area and they might be attacked or a anti gay group in a gay area and so on so forth!
The police, EMTs, fire department and even the stand by ambulance all cost a lot of money and should be paid for. Why should any municipality have to foot the costs?
Yes it’s called “Freedom of Speech” but it doesn’t mean it has to be cost free! Nowhere did I see in the Constitution or the Bill of Rights or any Amendment where it says they have to be heard OR that it comes free of charges.
If the group thinks and feels that their movement is worthy of being heard and it can cause violence on their group and members then they should pay for their protection. Movie stars and political types do so a protest group should also!
Case in point being a certain Church group from Topeka, Ks. has on their web site and can be seen on open forums on the internet an assault on them which was violent enough that they had to escape in their van and it was beaten on and windows were broken out.
As to them paying for their protection the police get paid by the hour or on a salary as do the fire department and the EMTs. Their uniforms cost money and if they are damaged in any confrontation who pays for them? The wearers, the city, county or the protesters? The same with their equipment. If damaged who has to foot the cost? How about injury to the protectors? Medical costs as we all know are going out the roof which brings up another problem.
Proof of insurance for all protesters! Proof of insurance must be shown for each member of the protest group. If the police protection can not stop a mass assault on said group and some are injured, who pays the medical bill because they thought their message was worthy of their freedom to speak?
This non refundable deposit should cover the costs on an hourly or ½ or ¼ hour schedule. If the group wants an hour then add the costs of say 5 officers, 1 ambulance and 1 rescue department and their equipment and if SWAT or any other specialty group is needed then throw that payment in also! In fact send them a list of items they MUST have or the minimum and then a list of extras that they can ask for like a menu at the restaurant! 5 officers at this cost but each added one is this and the cost of an ambulance which I KNOW is about $750 per ride as I’ve paid for 2 in two different locations in America and that was the cost for both! 1 was for 2 miles and the other for almost 15 both to a hospital! I can’t imagine how much a rescue unit or a swat team costs but hey it’s your message, pay to play!
I can hear certain lawyers in a certain group screaming now! BUT hey if your message is so important then foot the cost! It’s your message so put up or shut up!
The world is in a financial bind, especially America and it’s your right to protest but it ain’t free!
All cities and counties that have any military members in a war zone should have your lawyers look at this proposal and decide if it’s feasible. It’s only a matter of time before someone gets more than hurt as the attitude towards these types of groups is going to cost you more than the costs of protection. Look at the world in general and what’s been happening at some protests by counter protesters. Does your town have the man power to stop a large group? Unless you are a large city it’s doubtful you have the man power OR the training in protest control.
If any violent actions are taken against a group there will be a law suit! Then the costs of medical care to any of YOUR personnel and equipment. Not to mention a possible law suit from them.
If a group refuses to pay for the permit, then cover your self and have a waiver written and have it checked by a constitutional lawyer also! Make it air tight that any injuries to any members of a protest group will be their fault and you are not liable BUT even if they have paid to demonstrate and get injured you are covered as you did the best that you could in protecting them.
Now don’t make the costs to far out of range as it could bring some money into the coffers but make it a fair representation of what you feel their protection is worth!
This is just another idea I came up with sitting here looking at the world through my monitor!
George “Rollover” Purdy
Pass this around and if it happens call it the Rollover Protester Bill!
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